Yvonne Johnson advocates for Intellectual Curiosity as a Path to Innovation

Yvonne Johnson, whom, last year spoke on “How to Institutionalise Innovation”, took the stage to discuss the concept of intellectual curiosity and its role in shaping the future through innovation. Johnson emphasised the importance of developing and nurturing intellectual curiosity, which she equated to the colloquial term ‘amebo’, as a tool for entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs to identify and seize opportunities.

Johnson highlighted three main positions on intellectual curiosity. First, she discussed its importance in asking the right questions as entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs. Second, she addressed the practical application of intellectual curiosity in creating the future through innovation. Finally, she emphasised the role of intellectual curiosity in recognising opportunities.

One practical way to develop intellectual curiosity, Johnson suggested, is to read widely and keep abreast of emerging trends. She stressed that embracing failure, learning, and asking the right questions are essential for intrapreneurs to thrive within an organisation. Additionally, Johnson encouraged the audience to stay curious about technology, as it will impact businesses regardless of their preferences.

Focusing on artificial intelligence (AI), Johnson explored how intellectual curiosity about this technology can drive innovation. She also discussed the importance of recognising opportunities and understanding that the abundance of problems in the world can be viewed as potential avenues for growth. In this context, Johnson mentioned the rise of de-globalisation and the demographic advantages that countries like India and Nigeria can leverage to improve the quality of their capital.

In her concluding remarks, Johnson reiterated that intellectual curiosity serves as a crucial framework for innovating and shaping the future. It enables individuals and organizations to adapt and change course when necessary. Encouraging everyone to stay curious, Johnson emphasized the significance of intellectual curiosity in driving success for entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, and ultimately, the nation as a whole.

You can listen to the full message of Yvonne Johnson message for free at http://www.elibrary.insightsforliving.org/ 

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