Jumoke Adenowo shares her entrepreneurial journey and how she built a purpose-driven venture

Jumoke Adenowo

She explained that her value addition to the event would be her own narration of her entrepreneurial story. She started by defining an entrepreneur as a person who solves problems, and the word is derived from its French and Latin roots. She says entrepreneurship should be beyond profit-making, which for us in Nigeria would require nation-building. She says we need to think of innovation over the competition.  She said successful nations plan toward innovative problem-solving. 

She explored the root of the Nigerian problem which according to her boils down to leadership. She believes we should start by looking at the root problem of leadership. She told her story of how she started her own business at age 25 and found out she could not succeed in a sub-par nation. She, therefore, decided to focus on a purpose-driven venture.

She, therefore, pursued this through her different expressions, from Architecture to her foundation and academic endeavours, to ensure the black man knows his place. 

This will help them see that there is a precedence for the black man’s success. It will also help other races see a different narrative of the black man and improve our credibility. She explicated her major goal by founding a foundation, to bring the awareness of  Nigerians to their level of capacity that is indigenous to Africa and shifting paradigms on leadership and Governance. 

She spoke about her key impact that started from the culture of credibility, trust, selflessness and intimacy with her business and philanthropy brands.  This has not stopped them from being profitable.

She submitted that she hoped her entrepreneurial journey would inspire and highlight to all that a successful business must be a purpose-driven business. 

Jumoke Adenowo

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